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The practice is OPEN as usual.

All appointments have been changed to telephone consultations. A clinician will contact you and if they need to see you, you will be asked to attend surgery. 

If you are vulnerable and having to self isolate and do not have any support or you are unable to access vital items and cannot leave the house you can contact the community hotline on 0161 770 7007 they are open 9am – 5pm weekdays and 11am – 2pm weekends

For Latest COVID-19 updates please click the links below:

Coronavirus (COVID-19) – NHS (

Public Health England – GOV.UK (

Due to the pandemic, the Walk-in Centre (WiC) based at the Integrated Care Centre (ICC) on New Radcliffe Street remains closed for the foreseeable.

If we are unable to offer you an appointment but you require urgent medical attention, you should contact NHS111 and, depending on your situation you will:

· Find out what local service can help you

· connected to a nurse, emergency dentist, pharmacist or GP

· Get a face-to-face appointment if you need one

· Be given an arrival time if you need to go to A&E – this might mean you spend less time in A&E

· Be told how to get any medicine you need

· Get self-care advice

You can also contact 7 Day Access who runs the out of hours GP service. If you are unable to get an appointment with your own GP you can contact 7 day access on 0161 934 2827 to book an appointment.

A COVID Message for Parents