NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care (‘NHS GM’)

NHS Oldham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) closed at the end of June 2022 and its functions have been taken over by NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care (‘NHS GM’).

This new organisation is the statutory body in charge of NHS money and is responsible for making sure services are in place to put plans into action. You can find out more here: gmintegratedcare.org.uk.

If you need help accessing local NHS services or wish to make a complaint, you can contact NHS GM Customer Services by emailing gmicb-old.customercare@nhs.net or calling 07966 746117. Or you can write to: Customer Services, NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care, 4th Floor, Piccadilly Place, Manchester M1 3BN.

Please note, NHS GM is unable to investigate complaints about general practice. These should be directed either to ourselves directly or to NHS England.

If you’re making, or thinking about making, a complaint, someone from the independent NHS Complaints Advocacy Service can help you. Cloverleaf Advocacy provides this service in Oldham. The service is accessible to all Oldham residents and is completely free.

Cloverleaf can help you to raise a formal complaint about an NHS funded service.  An advocate will also be able to attend meetings with you and review any information you’re given during the complaints process. You can seek advice from an NHS complaints advocate at any stage of the process.